Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wild Walnut Park

                         Over the weekend my family went to park called Wild Walnut Park.
Photo by Abbey

A sign there said that Wild Walnut Park provides food, shelter, nesting, and hiding places for birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and insects. These trees are oak trees, Native Americans used oak tree branches for utensils, cradle boards and fire wood. They played games with acorns, leached and ground as bait in traps. Spanish explorers cut oak trees to build houses, barns, and fences.

Photo by Abbey

 Wow! Look at the tree! Notice the bright sunlight coming through the green leaves. My brother, Jake, and I climbed on the branches, and we had a wonderful time. We even pretended that we were in the Olympics doing gymnastics on the balance beam. : )

Photo by Abbey

Have you ever been to Wild Walnut Park, if not, what outdoor parks have you gone to?


  1. @ Abbey,

    Wow! What a fantastic post complete with relevant text and fabulous photos! You are quite a blogger!

    I have seen the sign for Walnut Park, but have never hiked in it. I thought it was a trail head. A trail head is the beginning point for a hiking trail. Did you see any maps for day hiking?

    The oak trees around our area are quite beautiful! They are certainly one of my favorite types of trees. They are evergreen trees which means they are you remember the word that means a tree that drops its leaves? It starts with the letter d.

    I remember that the Chumash used to grind the acorns and make acorn cakes. They needed to leach the bitterness out of the nut using a hole lined with leaves. The Chumash women would then pour water over the ground up nut, and the water would wash away the bitter taste. Do you remember any other Chumash facts?

    Your proud former teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Dear Abbey,

    Another great post! I have driven by that park ever day, but I have never stopped to look around. After reading your post, I will definitely make it a point to go and explore. I agree with Mrs. Yollis that the oak trees are beautiful. I love to hike and one of my favorite places to go to is Malibu Creek Park. Have you ever been there? What other parks do you like to go to?

    Keep up the good work and enjoy your summer.
